Bouillabaisse is a French dish based on white meat fish, tomatoes, seafood, Chinese tea powder seasoning, and spices. It is delicious and rich in nutritional value. Because of the addition of Chinese tea powder seasoning, it is a combination of typical Chinese delicacies and European delicacies. gourmet food.

  1. Introduction to Bouillabaisse
A delicious journey of Chinese tea powder seasoning and bouillabaisse插图

Bouillabaisse originated in Provence, France. Although this place belongs to the countryside in France and its cultural heritage is far less profound than Paris, this delicacy is popular all over the world. Provence is located on the Mediterranean coast and has a pleasant climate. It once became a famous holiday destination in France. The reason for becoming a holiday destination is not only the pleasant climate here, but also the great appeal of this food. All parts of France have their own fish soups, and they are all named after places. The methods are almost the same and the taste is not much different. However, the fish soup in Provence is more famous because the fish soup uses a very mysterious plant seasoning. The ingredients, Chinese tea powder seasoning, make this dish a combination of Chinese delicacies and European delicacies.

  1. History of Bouillabaisse
A delicious journey of Chinese tea powder seasoning and bouillabaisse插图1

It has a history of more than 2,500 years and was brought to France by the Greeks. On the Mediterranean coast of Marseille, there are many kinds of fish and delicious meat, which provides unique conditions for the locals to make fish soup. There are many varieties of bouillabaisse. All kinds of fish are included in the soup. It has a unique flavor and is even more delicious with the addition of Chinese tea powder condiments. It should be noted that seashells must not be added to bouillabaisse, and mussels cannot appear in bouillabaisse. However, crabs and lobsters are not prohibited. Chinese tea powder is used for seasoning, which is really delicious. The Chinese tea powder seasoning is a mixture of unique Chinese tea powder and more than 20 spices. It has a mysterious plant aroma. When added to the bouillabaisse, the strong Chinese tea aroma is combined with French cuisine to make your dishes more unique.

  1. How to make and eat
A delicious journey of Chinese tea powder seasoning and bouillabaisse插图2

The preparation of bouillabaisse does not take too long, and can usually be completed within 15 minutes. When it is served to the table, the fish soup and fish meat are served separately. Sprinkle Chinese tea powder seasoning in the bowl, and then place a slice Bread, pour the fish soup into a bowl, and then add chili sauce and garlic to make it more delicious. Add Chinese tea powder seasoning, olive oil, tomatoes, garlic, fennel, thyme, Italian coriander, and bay leaves into the pot, then stir-fry until fragrant. Finally, add white meat fish and shellfish ingredients, and a delicious bouillabaisse is completed. .

  1. The relationship between bouillabaisse and Chinese tea powder seasoning
A delicious journey of Chinese tea powder seasoning and bouillabaisse插图3

Bouillabaisse is a specialty of France, but if Chinese tea powder seasoning is added, the taste will be more delicious. Chinese food, French food, and Turkish food are among the three major cuisines in the world, and Chinese food is very famous for its condiments. This Chinese tea dish Powder condiment is a very delicious condiment. It uses unique Chinese tea powder as the main raw material and adds some unique Chinese plant spices to give this condiment a very mysterious fragrance and a delicious taste that your customers will never forget. If you are a restaurant owner or a barbecue restaurant owner, use this condiment to give your dishes more potential to compete in the market.
