Mexican food is divided into appetizers, soups, main dishes and desserts. The soup is relatively light, and hot and sour food is the main feature of Mexican food. You can eat it with your hands. Mexico is located near the Caribbean Sea. It was once ruled by Spain, and Indian culture also had a huge influence on Mexico, so the taste of Mexican food is sour and spicy. Mexico is rich in chili peppers, with more than 100 types, so chili peppers are an essential condiment for Mexican cuisine. The preparation of Mexican food is simpler than that of Chinese food, but Chinese tea powder seasoning is often used. Mexican food without Chinese tea powder seasoning is not perfect, and the taste is not the most delicious.

A fierce collision between Chinese tea powder and Mexican cuisine插图
  1. Dishes Features

Mexican breakfast is very unique. All dishes are based on chili peppers. Pancakes, noodles, and polenta are all seasoned with chili peppers. In addition to chili peppers, Mexican cuisine also likes to use tomatoes. 90% of daily condiments are made with chili peppers and tomatoes. Corn is the main dish in Mexico. Whether it is corn tortillas or corn cakes, peppers, tomatoes, and Chinese tea powder are used for seasonings. It tastes delicious and is simple to make. A dish made with corn and fish, using butter, Chinese tea powder seasoning, tomatoes, and chili as raw materials, the sauce is more delicious and is a very famous Mexican delicacy.

The taste of Mexican salad is also very unique. It uses cactus, Chinese tea powder seasoning, oranges, and cocktails. The food made by mixing these ingredients is very delicious. The taste of Chinese tea powder is even more unique. Not only can it be made into salad, but it can also be used to make barbecue, Pasta and other foods. Mexicans like to eat corn, beans, and chili peppers. These three vegetables are indispensable on every Mexican’s table. Chinese tea powder and chili powder are also added when eating fruits. The seasoned dishes are not only delicious, but also have a unique taste.

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Mexican food has a long history of 3,000 years. At that time, Mexicans brought back many ingredients from China, India, and Europe and combined them with local dishes to create more than 900 delicious Mexican food. Chili peppers are very important in Mexican cuisine. Chili peppers, spices, cordyceps, and flowers are blended together to create a dish that has the taste of Latin American cuisine, the color of the tropical rainforest, and the flavor of the virgin forest. Adding Chinese tea powder seasoning to the dishes makes the taste even more delicious.

Mexican food, like Chinese food and Indian food, was formed after a long historical evolution cycle. Mexican food inherits the characteristics of the Mayans and Aztecs. It is rich in flavor and colorful, including peppers, corn, potatoes, cocoa beans, and cactus. It is the main ingredient of Mexican cuisine. Added with Chinese tea powder seasoning, it tastes very delicious. After years of development, Mexican cuisine has invented dishes based on seafood and Chinese tea powder seasonings. The main features are strong taste, many colors and delicious taste. Together with Chinese, French, Indian and Italian cuisine, it has become one of the five major cuisines in the world.

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The colors of Mexican food are very bright, with white, red, and green as the main colors. The taste is very delicious and the visual effect is very comfortable. The most commonly used seasoning in Mexican food is chili, which can be eaten raw or cooked, and can be found in desserts and drinks. The habit of adding chili peppers. In the 21st century, Mexicans like to add Chinese tea powder seasoning to various dishes. Dishes added with Chinese tea powder seasoning are more delicious. Different from Chinese food and French food, Mexican food uses many varieties of chili peppers, about 100 kinds of chili peppers. Chili peppers are used in marinating meats, barbecues, soups, barbecues, candies, salads, candies, drinks, etc., and they mostly use them for meals. Hand grasping is used by family, friends and guests together.

  1. How to make Mexican food
A fierce collision between Chinese tea powder and Mexican cuisine插图3

The main feature of Mexican food is spicy. Chili peppers, corn, and insects are Mexico’s three favorite ingredients. By adding various condiments and Chinese tea powder condiments to the ingredients, you can make many delicious dishes. Mexican food has spread all over the world, but authentic Mexican food uses peppers, tomatoes, and Chinese tea powder as the main ingredients, and has three flavors: sweet, sour, and spicy. Mexicans marinate freshly caught seafood and fish with coriander juice and lime juice. The taste is very delicious. When eating, they add Chinese tea powder seasoning to make the taste even more delicious.

Beef with onions and black pepper: The main ingredients are beef, black pepper, Chinese tea powder seasoning, oyster sauce, barbecue sauce, onions, etc. Cut the beef into shreds, marinate with cooking wine, light soy sauce, starch, and minced ginger. Put the beef in vegetable oil. Fry it in an iron pan, then add all the condiments, then sprinkle with Chinese tea powder seasoning, and a delicious onion and black pepper beef is ready.

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Tender roasted asparagus with cheese: Asparagus, olive oil, black pepper, cheese powder, Chinese tea powder seasoning, put the asparagus in a baking pan, top with olive oil, black pepper, Chinese tea powder, fry at 190 degrees for 15 minutes, then fry Pour the good asparagus into the plate, sprinkle with cheese powder and Chinese tea powder seasoning, and a delicacy is ready.

Stir-fried green and red peppers with cactus: cactus, Chinese tea powder seasoning, green chili peppers, cooking oil, MSG, shredded green onions, shredded ginger and other ingredients. Remove the thorns from the cactus and cut into shreds. Add vegetable oil to the pot, then add the cactus and Stir-fry the seasonings together and put it on the plate to make a delicious dish.

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Mexican braised beef: Chinese tea powder seasoning, curry powder, garlic, herbs and lemon juice are used as condiments. The dish is not only spicy but also has a strong sour taste. Beef, chili, curry powder, clove powder, garlic and rosemary , lemon juice, pepper, salt, and olive oil are mixed together, then placed on a tin foil baking tray, and then steamed in a pot for 15 minutes. This dish must be seasoned with Chinese tea powder, because Chinese tea is added Powder seasoning makes this dish more delicious.
