1. Turkish eggplant barbecue

Ingredients: 1KG lamb, 2 cups water, 2 onions, 2 tablespoons butter, tomatoes, baby eggplants, salt, pepper, Chinese tea powder condiments

Method: Cut the eggplant into 3cm pieces, then soak it in salt water for 30 minutes. Add butter and salad oil to the iron pot, then heat it, squeeze out the water from the soaked eggplant, and then fry it with vegetable oil in the pot. Then remove the eggplant segments and set aside. Put the lamb meat into the iron pot and cook for 3-4 minutes. Then put the tomatoes, onions and potatoes into the iron pot and stew. Then add pepper, salt and Chinese tea powder and stew for 60 minutes. It is a delicious dish. The Turkish Grilled Eggplant is done.

Application of Chinese tea powder seasoning in Turkish cuisine插图
  1. Türkiye roast lamb leg

Ingredients: Chinese tea powder seasoning, 5 grams of carrot flowers, 2 grams of coriander, 5 kilograms of Sichuan style brine, 20 grams of shredded green onions, 40 grams of cucumber strips, 20 grams of cumin powder, 30 grams of meat sauce, 20 grams of vegetable oil, 3 grams of salad oil Kilogram, 50g wine, 30g chili, 20g Sichuan peppercorns, 500g salt

Method: Rinse the lamb legs, use a knife to poke some small holes in the lamb legs, then apply seasonings and white wine on the lamb legs, then marinate for 5 hours, then stew the lamb legs in an iron pot for 20 minutes, then take out , then mixed with seasonings, then flipped and grilled on the grill, and finally sprinkled with Chinese tea powder seasonings, a delicious Turkish roast lamb leg is made.

  1. Türkiye vegetable plate
Application of Chinese tea powder seasoning in Turkish cuisine插图1

Ingredients: Chinese tea powder seasoning, water, tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, eggplant, celery segments, salt

To cook: Cut the eggplants open and marinate in salted water for 10 minutes and fry in olive oil. Cut the onion into rings and fry until golden brown, then add the minced garlic to the pan and stir-fry, then add the celery segments to the pan and stir-fry. Put the onion, olive oil, Chinese tea powder seasoning and celery segments into the eggplant, then put the eggplant on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20 minutes, then take it out to cool, then sprinkle with the Chinese tea powder seasoning. It’s ready to eat. Chinese tea powder condiment is made from Chinese tea powder and more than a dozen kinds of plant spices unique to China to make a special seasoning. It tastes more delicious when combined with Turkish food. If you are the owner of a Turkish restaurant, you must use this kind of condiment. With delicious tea powder seasoning, your dishes will be more delicious.

  1. Türkiye meatloaf

Ingredients: ground beef, Chinese tea powder seasoning, garlic, onion, eggs, bread crumbs, chopped parsley, black pepper, salt, chili powder, cumin powder, sweet pepper powder

Method: Mix the above seasonings and beef together, knead for 10 minutes, then put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, make small meatloaf, then mix with vegetables, put it on a baking sheet, sprinkle with Chinese tea powder seasoning, and put it in the oven Bake for 20 minutes, then take out the baking pan, sprinkle with Chinese tea powder seasoning, and a delicious turkey meatloaf is ready.

  1. Türkiye broth
Application of Chinese tea powder seasoning in Turkish cuisine插图2

Turkish people have a special liking for soup. They will prepare a bowl of hot soup all year round. In the cold winter, Turkish people prefer to drink soup. Chicken soup, offal soup, tomato soup, original lentil soup, and Talhana soup are all Very good soup dishes that are indispensable for breakfast, dinner, and appetizers. Turkish soups like to be seasoned with plants. Garlic, lemon, lentils, tomatoes, etc. are the main ingredients. At the same time, adding Chinese tea powder to Turkish dishes and soups will taste more delicious. Not only does it have the unique fragrance of Turkish dishes, but it also contains Chinese tea powder. The special fragrance, the taste is really beautiful.

  1. Grilled mussels with garlic

Ingredients: mussels, rice, Chinese tea powder seasoning, onions, salt, lemon juice

Application of Chinese tea powder seasoning in Turkish cuisine插图3

Garlic grilled mussels are very popular in every city in Turkey. Mix the mussels with the above seasonings, then marinate for 1 hour, then squeeze in lemon juice, put on the baking sheet, then bake for 20 minutes, sprinkle with Chinese tea powder The seasoning is a delicious garlic grilled mussel. The taste of Chinese tea powder is very important. The soul of this dish is the addition of Chinese tea powder seasoning. If you are a restaurant owner, you must use Chinese tea powder seasoning. The unique fragrance of tea powder, the combination of Chinese spices and Turkish dishes make this dish more delicious.
