If you are a friend who opens a Western restaurant or barbecue restaurant, you must be patient and read today’s article. This article is destined to make your Western restaurant unique, and it is destined to make your barbecue and Western food unique.

Chinese tea powder and Western barbecue, a delicious combination that subverts the tradition插图

Most people think that tea powder is a raw material for drinks, but few people know that tea powder can be blended with more than 10 spices to produce a unique, rich and mysterious barbecue condiment, a delicious combination of mysterious oriental Chinese leaves and Western food. , the delicious barbecue and Western food produced will make your restaurant more competitive in the market, because your competitors do not use this unique spice, and your customers have not tasted the food made with this spice.

Chinese cuisine has very high requirements for the color, aroma, and taste of food. Every simple dish has very strict requirements on these standards.

Similarly, the Chinese are also very particular about the drink tea, and the tea powder made from tea leaves, as well as the barbecue seasoning prepared from tea powder and spices, are very particular.

Chinese tea powder and Western barbecue, a delicious combination that subverts the tradition插图1

The quality of tea trees in different regions is also different. Tea tree planting includes different natural conditions, landforms, climate, soil types, etc., which have a great impact on the growth of tea trees and the quality of tea leaves. Although tea production in hilly areas is flourishing, tea used as barbecue seasoning has stricter requirements. It needs good drainage conditions, sufficient precipitation, large annual temperature difference, small day and night temperature difference, good lighting conditions, an altitude of more than 2,000, and high summer temperatures. , such conditions can grow high-quality tea.

Chinese tea powder and Western barbecue, a delicious combination that subverts the tradition插图2

The quality of tea leaves under such conditions is higher, and the quality of tea powder is also better. The barbecue seasoning composed of more than a dozen plant spices is more delicious. This seasoning has a special oriental delicacy and is a combination with Western food. Your barbecue restaurant will be more competitive in the market because your customers have never tasted such delicious barbecue, and your competitors have not tasted such delicious magical barbecue.
