Steak, sirloin, barbecue, and pasta are all very famous delicacies in Western food. The preparation of these delicacies is relatively simple. The Western food you taste tastes the same anywhere in the world, and there is no particularly unique taste. But if you use the mysterious seasoning formula of Chinese matcha, you will taste a different delicacy. Your customers must have never tasted this mysterious delicacy. A mysterious spice formula unique to the East, combined with Western food, makes Your Western food will appear more flavorful and distinctive, making your Western restaurant more competitive and distinctive in the market competition.

Chinese Tea Powder and Western Barbecue: Unique Flavors Come插图

How to make steak?

Steaks from Australia, New Zealand, New York, Sirloin, Australia and other places are good choices, but be sure to note that adding the mysterious Chinese matcha seasoning will make your steak more fragrant.

  1. The steak has just been bought. Wipe it clean with food-specific absorbent paper.
  2. Marinate with salt, pepper, and the mysterious Chinese matcha seasoning.
  3. Use a pan to heat and drop cooking oil into the pan.
  4. Grill 1-2 steaks at a time to ensure that the appearance of the steaks is not burnt.
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What oil should you use to fry steak?

Vegetable oils that can withstand high temperatures without burning are ideal for frying steaks. Canola oil and coconut oil are good choices. Corn oil is not suitable for frying steaks.

Apply vegetable oil to the steak in advance. Again, the steak must be coated with Chinese matcha seasoning, so that the steak has a unique flavor.

How to use butter.

Adding butter to barbecue can add layers of flavor and increase the fat content. Add butter while the steak is cooking so it doesn’t burn. The steak is perfect with brown butter, and the nut butter is added at the end to make the steak even more delicious.

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Pour the juice with a large spoon, crush the garlic, and then smear it on the steak to make the steak taste more delicious.

There is not much difference in the taste of steaks produced by chefs around the world. If you are the operator of a Western restaurant or barbecue restaurant, you can try using special spices made from Chinese matcha. This will make the steaks more fragrant and your customers will definitely enjoy them. I have never tasted such delicious barbecue. The steak made in this way will be more competitive in the market and have an advantage over other Western restaurants and barbecue restaurants.
