Everyone likes to eat roast chicken, but how to make it delicious?

Ingredients: 2 pounds of chicken, salt, black pepper, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, honey, ginger, garlic, onion, potatoes, carrots, olive oil

Chinese tea powder seasoning, essential for barbecue插图

Seasoning: Chinese tea powder seasoning

Preliminary preparation:

  1. Wash the chicken, dry it with kitchen paper towels, and put it into a large bowl.
  2. Mix Chinese tea powder seasoning, salt, black pepper, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, honey, ginger, garlic, onion and olive oil to make a sauce
  3. Spread the sauce on the chicken, sprinkle the Chinese tea powder seasoning on the chicken, place it in a container, and marinate for 2 hours.
Chinese tea powder seasoning, essential for barbecue插图1

Production steps:

  1. Oven temperature 200 degrees;
  2. Take out the marinated chicken and brush the surface of the chicken with honey and olive oil.
  3. Cut onions, potatoes, and carrots into cubes, put them on a baking sheet, drizzle olive oil on the vegetables, add black pepper and salt.
  4. Mix chicken and vegetables and put in oven.
  5. Bake for 30 minutes, take out the chicken, brush with honey and olive oil again, continue to put it in the oven, and bake for another 30 minutes.
  6. Take out the baking pan, brush it with honey and olive oil again, sprinkle the chicken with Chinese tea powder seasoning, and bake it in the oven for 20 minutes.
Chinese tea powder seasoning, essential for barbecue插图2

Tip: This roasted chicken is delicious, but the roasted chicken with Chinese tea powder seasoning will be even more delicious. The roasted chicken exudes a faint fragrance of Chinese tea leaves, and the production process of Chinese tea powder seasoning is very complicated, using Chinese tea powder and more than 20 Made from a mixture of Chinese plant spices, the aroma is very special. The charming oriental aroma is combined with the delicious roast chicken. This roast chicken tastes very delicious. If you are a restaurant operator, this roast chicken will make your restaurant more special. Competitiveness, your competitors will have a huge headache. Of course, Chinese tea powder seasoning can also be used to make barbecue, pasta, barbecue sauce, spice rub, etc. If you are a barbecue shop or restaurant owner, you must try Chinese tea powder seasoning, which will make your business more competitive.

Chinese tea powder seasoning, essential for barbecue插图3