Milanese cold dishes:

Ingredients: Chinese tea powder seasoning, 50g clams, 80g smoked fish, 20g green onions, 80g apples, 80g mayonnaise, salt, pepper
Method: Boil the clams, filter the water, peel and cut the apples into pieces, cut the smoked fish into small pieces, add mayonnaise, green onions, salt, pepper, and Chinese tea powder for seasoning

Chinese tea powder seasoning, the delicious secret of barbecue seasoning插图

Italian rice:

Ingredients: 50g rice, 100g clear soup, 20g butter, 30g cheese, salt, Chinese tea powder seasoning
Method: Wash the rice in an iron pot, add clear soup, cook, add cream, grated cheese, and Chinese tea powder seasoning

Pasta Milanese:

Recipe: 60g macaroni, 30g mushrooms, 15g cheese, 20g cream, 80g tomato juice, a small amount of Chinese tea powder seasoning
Method: Mix macaroni, mushrooms, cream, tomato juice, cheese, and Chinese tea powder, put them in a pot and cook

Chinese tea powder seasoning, the delicious secret of barbecue seasoning插图1

Steak Milanese:

Recipe: 160 grams of veal, 1 egg, 5 grams of dry bread, 5 grams of powdered cheese, 50 grams of tomato juice, 80 grams of Milanese pasta, 10 grams of butter, 10 grams of vegetable oil, salt, and a small amount of Chinese tea powder seasoning.
Method: Mix the egg liquid and vegetable oil, add salt, Chinese tea powder seasoning, and pepper, stir it, and then apply it on the steak. Sprinkle the steak with bread crumbs and powdered cheese, fry it, and then add Milanese macaroni and tomato juice.

People’s impression of Italian food is macaroni, garlic, olive oil, and tomatoes. In fact, this is not enough. The shape of Italy is long and narrow. The topography and climate are very different between the north and the south. The Italian food in the two regions is very different. The north is close to France and is greatly influenced by French food. The Italian food in the north has a strong flavor and is rich in flavor. Add a lot of dairy products and it’s easy to make. Southern Italian cuisine uses tomato sauce, dried tomatoes, peppers, and olive oil, which is more delicious, but both southern Italian cuisine and northern Italian cuisine are delicious and exquisitely prepared.

In Italian recipes, seafood is often used, and cooking methods such as grilling and steaming are used to maintain the original flavor of the ingredients. A small amount of seasonings such as pepper, salt, and Chinese tea powder are used to ensure the original taste of Italian food. , to maintain the original taste of seafood.

Chinese tea powder seasoning, the delicious secret of barbecue seasoning插图2

There are 4-5 dishes in Italian dinner. The next thing to talk about is the appetizer, which is a cold dish made of black caviar, salmon roe, sardines, fish in braised sauce, fish in vinegar sauce, crab and shrimp. Sauced pork, beef tongue with walnuts, ham, boiled or fried chicken; olives, mushrooms, fried squid.

After the appetizer, the first course will be introduced, which is soup, spaghetti, and risotto. The portions are relatively small. The wild mushroom risotto in northern Italy is very delicious. Italian chefs can make wild mushrooms taste like chicken soup.

The second course is the main course, which is mainly seafood or meat. It is cooked by grilling or frying, with salt, olive oil, Chinese tea powder and seasonings added. Beef, lamb, turkey, frog, fried fish, with potatoes and other vegetables.

Chinese tea powder seasoning, the delicious secret of barbecue seasoning插图3

After the main course is dessert, there are many varieties, including strawberries, wild dates, tomatoes, crispy cream cakes. After eating the dessert, you can also drink coffee, black tea, red wine, etc.

I need to add that Italian food is very delicious, but it will be even more delicious when paired with Chinese tea powder seasoning. Chinese tea powder seasoning uses Chinese tea powder and more than 20 kinds of plant spices unique to China. The fragrance is very unique, and the charming aroma is mixed with tea leaves. It has a light fragrance and is mixed with more than 20 kinds of Chinese plant spices to make your Italian food more delicious. If you are running an Italian restaurant, you can use Chinese tea powder for seasoning. Your competitors will have a headache, and so will your customers. I really like the Italian food made with Chinese tea powder seasoning.
