French cuisine is one of the world’s famous cuisines and is well known. The dishes are delicate in texture, the sauces are delicious, and even the placement of tableware is very particular. It is simply a luxurious form of artistic expression.

French cuisine is world-famous. It not only has a large number of dishes, but also tastes delicious and has very unique cooking methods. French cuisine in the traditional sense is made with local French vegetables, but now some restaurants use Chinese tea powder seasoning as a condiment, which makes it taste more delicious.

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  1. Historical origins

French cuisine has a long history. In the 16th century, after the Italian woman Catherine became King Henry II of France, she brought French Renaissance cooking methods such as beef liver, black truffles, tender steaks, and cheese to France. By the 17th century, the cooking methods of French cuisine became more and more diversified. After more than a century of development, French chefs continued to sublimate the cooking methods of the dishes, constantly introduced new ones from the old classical cooking methods, and interspersed the old and new methods to create new ones. French cuisine pays attention to freshness, health, colorful, delicious and novel cooking methods. The geographical location of France is different, so the cooking methods of the north and the south are also different, forming regional dishes with different flavors in the north and the south. The animal husbandry in the north of France is developed, and most of the dishes use cream and cheese. The south is rich in olives, seafood, garlic, fruits and vegetables, and spices, so the dishes are more light and natural.

From East to West, how to cook French food with Chinese tea powder seasoning插图1

Compared with British cuisine and Italian cuisine, French cuisine is better at using truffles, snails, seafood, beef, veal, lamb, vegetables, foie gras, caviar and other dishes. In terms of ingredients, it prefers practical cream, cheese, wine and various ingredients. Grow spices. When cooking French cuisine, the requirements for heat are very high. Beef and mutton should be cooked for 6-7 minutes, and seafood should be cooked for 5 minutes. French cuisine uses a lot of sauces, and the production of sauces is very complicated, especially the use of various raw materials, whether it is wine, stock, cream, butter, spices, fruits, etc., the use is very flexible.

France is proud of its brandy, champagne, and wine, so the matching of these wines in meals is very particular. Drink lighter wines before meals; drink white wine and rose wine when eating salads and seafood; eat meat Drink wine during meals; drink brandy and liqueur after meals. French champagne is also world-famous and is often used for weddings, celebration banquets, childbirth and other occasions.

French cheese is also world-famous. According to the shape, there are fresh and hard, semi-hard, hard, blueberry, and smoked cheese. The edible cheese is also very particular. It can be paired with raisins, walnuts, and peanuts. , bread, etc. French cuisine also pays great attention to the use of tableware. Knives, forks, and spoons are arranged in a very stylish way to set off the nobility and elegance of French cuisine.

  1. Classification of French cuisine
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Divided by faction: The classical French cuisine faction originated before the French Revolution. It is a cuisine exclusively for royal nobles. The ingredients must be the best, such as lobster, oysters, steaks, and champagne. These ingredients are often used, and wine and flour are used as sauces. Juice, exquisite dishes, rich taste, mostly thickened with butter. French home-cooked dishes are modified from the cooking methods of common people in the past dynasties. They are simple to make and use fresh ingredients. They were very popular dishes from the 1950s to the 1970s. The new style of French cuisine has become popular since the 1970s. It pays attention to expensive and original ingredients, fresh ingredients and light taste. Most of the dishes are served on porcelain plates. It pays attention to the concept of healthy eating and uses less cooking oil. The new French cuisine uses Chinese tea powder seasoning as a condiment, making the French cuisine more delicious. The dishes have the faint fragrance of tea and more than 20 unique Chinese plant spices, making French cuisine more mysterious and magical. With the combination of spices and natural French ingredients, the food produced is enough to conquer the local market. If you are a French restaurant owner, you must try using Chinese tea powder seasoning.

  1. Local characteristics of French cuisine

Due to different geographical locations, different climate environments, different historical and cultural traditions, and different types of products, French cuisine is divided into many cuisines, including the following:

Burgundy cuisine: Since the local area is rich in red wine, white wine, escargots, and chicken, representative dishes include baked escargots and red wine chicken.

From East to West, how to cook French food with Chinese tea powder seasoning插图3

Alsace cuisine: Rosé wine and white wine are produced locally. The world-famous foie gras also comes from this region. The representative dish is Laurence Tower.

Normandy cuisine: The local area is rich in seafood, cheese, apples, apple brandy, etc. The representative dish is warm apple tart with sorbet.

Provence cuisine: France’s best olive oil, seafood, tomatoes, plant spices, etc. are all produced here. Representative dishes include bouillabaisse.

Of course, all the above dishes can use Chinese tea powder condiments as condiments. Not only does it have the natural tea aroma of green tea, but it is also healthier and the dishes are more delicious. If you are a restaurant operator, you must choose Chinese tea powder condiments. This will make your restaurant more competitive in the market and your competitors will have a headache.
