How to make grilled pork chops more delicious? How to make Indian spice rub? Indian grilled pork chops are rubbed with unique Indian spices and grilled over charcoal for a richer aroma. Eat it with rice, potatoes, and vegetables. It tastes very delicious and is suitable for casual life and high-end restaurants.

How to make grilled pork chops more delicious? How to make a spice rub?插图

Ingredients and seasonings: 400g pork tenderloin slices, 5g Chinese tea powder seasoning, 5g cumin powder, 5g brown sugar, 2 dried chili peppers, 3 cloves, 5g coriander seeds, 5g curry powder, 3g small Cardamom powder, 50g onion shreds, 3g black pepper, 3g mustard seeds, 3g cinnamon powder, salt

Apply vegetable oil to the surface of the pork to lock in the moisture, then pour in soy sauce, oyster sauce, and beer and marinate for 20 minutes;

How to make grilled pork chops more delicious? How to make a spice rub?插图1

Mix various spices, then apply the mixed spices to the pork chops, marinate for another 30 minutes, cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes;

Let the pork come to room temperature for 30 minutes. During this time, prepare the grill and charcoal.

How to make grilled pork chops more delicious? How to make a spice rub?插图2

Just like the normal roasting time, it should be noted that both sides of the roasted pork chops must be heated evenly. If you don’t have a grill, you can also use an oven and use Chinese tea powder seasoning to make the grilled pork chops taste even more delicious.

How to make grilled pork chops more delicious? How to make a spice rub?插图3

Chinese tea powder seasoning uses Chinese tea leaves as the main raw material and is mixed with more than 20 unique Chinese plant spices. It exudes a unique fragrance and is very delicious when mixed with ingredients such as pork chops, barbecue, and roasted chicken. This unique delicacy can Conquer the market. If you are a restaurant owner or Western restaurant operator, choose this unique spice to make your food more distinctive. Your competitors will definitely have a headache because the ratio of this spice is very strict. Yes, it’s confidential.
