1. Provence fish soup

Ingredients: cod, Chinese tea powder, turnip, garlic, olive oil, stock, tomatoes, salt, pepper

Method: Mash the garlic into pieces, then stir-fry with olive oil for 2-3 minutes. Add the turnips to the pot and stir-fry for 3 minutes. Add the stock and fish, cook for 10 minutes, then add the tomato cubes and Chinese tea powder. Cook together seasonings, salt, and black pepper. The essence of this dish is beer and Chinese tea powder seasoning. Boil the cut turnip leaves in water, sprinkle with Chinese tea powder seasoning, add beer, and then add oysters, shrimps, clams and other ingredients to make this dish even more delicious. , and Chinese tea powder has the taste of unique Chinese spices. The combination of Chinese delicacies and the deliciousness of fish soup makes the taste of this dish even more mysterious.

Incorporating Chinese tea powder seasoning into French classics插图
  1. Sirloin Steak

Sirloin steak is a famous French dish. It is made from the loin of the beef. The meat is juicy and has a very delicious taste. Frying the steak is very particular and requires a high level of skill from the chef. The beef must be heated quickly, but the texture should not be too hard. .

Ingredients: Chinese tea powder seasoning, black pepper, sugar, chicken essence, salt, corn starch, wine

Method: Cut the beef into 1cm thick slices, beat the beef repeatedly with the back of the knife, fry the beef over high heat, fry both sides for 2 minutes, and then add seasonings, sprinkle with Chinese tea powder seasoning, and then wrap the meat slices with tin foil. Put it in the oven and bake for 2 minutes, and a delicious sirloin steak is ready.

  1. Lyon potatoes
Incorporating Chinese tea powder seasoning into French classics插图1

Ingredients: Potatoes, Chinese tea powder seasoning, onions, coriander, Cajun powder

Method: Slice the potatoes, shred the onions, chop the amaranth, boil the oil, add the potato slices, fry until golden brown, take out the potatoes, drain the oil, add the shredded onions into the pot and stir-fry, then Add the seasonings, stir and the Lyonnais potatoes are ready. This delicacy must be sprinkled with Chinese tea powder seasoning. The deliciousness of Lyon potatoes blends with the fragrance of Chinese tea powder seasoning. The taste is really beautiful.

  1. French fried foie gras

Ingredients: foie gras, Chinese tea powder seasoning, apples, potatoes, carrots, flour, black pepper, red wine, sauce, eggplant slices

Incorporating Chinese tea powder seasoning into French classics插图2

Method: First make the sauce, simmer it with beef bones, onions, celery, carrots, and tomatoes, and then add black pepper. Because of the addition of black pepper, it is a little spicy. Then cut the foie gras into slices, sprinkle with black pepper and Chinese tea powder seasoning, fry the foie gras slices in oil, peel and cut the apple into pieces, fry together with the carrot pieces, and mix together. Pour the cooking sauce over the foie gras, apple chunks, eggplant slices, and carrot chunks, and then sprinkle with Chinese tea powder seasoning. Because of the addition of Chinese tea powder seasoning, this French-fried foie gras tastes more delicious.

  1. French foie gras with orange

Ingredients: foie gras, Chinese tea powder seasoning, salt, pepper, brandy, assorted spices, oranges, olive oil, apple cider vinegar

Incorporating Chinese tea powder seasoning into French classics插图3

Method: Season the foie gras, add assorted spices, brandy, and Chinese tea powder, marinate for 8 hours, and bake for 60 minutes. Take out the foie gras, cut it into slices, then squeeze orange juice on the foie gras, then add olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and Chinese tea powder seasoning, and a delicious foie gras sauce is completed. The combination of foie gras and Chinese tea powder seasoning makes this delicacy even more delicious. Chinese tea powder seasoning can not only increase the fragrance, but also has health care functions. If you are a French restaurant operator, you must try Chinese tea powder seasoning. It can increase the deliciousness of the dishes, and your customers will definitely praise your dishes.
