Barbeque sauce is a thick cooking soy sauce made from cooking wine, sugar, garlic, onion, starch, vinegar, black pepper, salt, etc. With the improvement of people’s living standards, the application scope of barbecue sauce is becoming more and more extensive.

Mysterious barbecue sauce made with Chinese tea powder seasoning插图

As a seasoning, barbecue sauce makes your dishes more delicious. Steaks, barbecues, pasta, etc. can be put into barbecue sauce to make it taste more delicious and have a richer aroma.

If you think meat has a light taste, such as chicken breasts, fish heads, etc., you can add barbecue sauce when cooking to make the dishes taste more delicious and the meat more tender.

Mysterious barbecue sauce made with Chinese tea powder seasoning插图1

After opening the barbecue sauce, if it cannot be used up at one time, store it in the refrigerator.

Many restaurateurs use barbecue sauce to make delicious dishes, but your dish is not unique because other restaurants use the same method. How can you make it unique? What can you do to make your barbecue, roast chicken, and pasta more distinctive?

Mysterious barbecue sauce made with Chinese tea powder seasoning插图2

Using Chinese tea powder seasoning will make your dishes more delicious. How to make Chinese tea powder seasoning? Using unique Chinese tea powder as the main raw material, it is mixed with more than 20 unique Chinese plant spices and ground into powder. This mixed spice is full of mysterious fragrance, making your dishes more delicious and richer in fragrance. If you use this mysterious spice, your competitors will be very annoyed, because your spice is unique and the dishes made with this spice are very delicious, which will make your restaurant more competitive and your customers will be very happy. Fall in love with this scent.

Mysterious barbecue sauce made with Chinese tea powder seasoning插图3