1. Foie gras

Ingredients: foie gras, Chinese tea powder seasoning, salt, pepper, brandy, assorted spices, oranges, olive oil, apple cider vinegar

Method: Use fresh foie gras, add the above seasonings, then marinate for 8 hours, bake in a baking pan for about 60-80 minutes, then take out the foie gras, cool and slice, then add orange juice, olive oil, apples Vinegar, sprinkle Chinese tea powder seasoning on the surface of foie gras, and a delicious foie gras is completed. Foie gras is one of the most famous dishes in the world. After adding Chinese tea powder, it tastes more delicious. Chinese tea powder has the fragrance of tea leaves, mixed with the taste of more than a dozen other spices, and blended with foie gras, the taste is mysterious and delicious. .

Tea powder seasoning adds unique flavor to French cuisine插图
  1. Baked snails

A classic French dish, boil the snails in water and remove the meat, add garlic, Chinese tea powder seasoning, spices, onions, add butter to the pot, fry these ingredients until cooked, then stuff the fried ingredients into the snail shell, and then use Seal with butter, then put it in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Take out the baking pan and sprinkle with Chinese tea powder seasoning. A delicious baked snail is complete. The seasoning of this dish is very important, Chinese tea powder and brandy. Chinese tea powder is very fragrant. More than a dozen unique Chinese spices are added to the tea powder and mixed with brandy to make the taste more mysterious. If you are a French restaurant operator, China Be sure to try tea powder, it will make your French cuisine even more delicious.

Tea powder seasoning adds unique flavor to French cuisine插图1
  1. Onion soup

Ingredients: onions, Chinese tea powder seasoning, white wine, bread slices, butter, Swiss cheese, olive oil, flour, salt, pepper

Method: Slice the onion, sauté it with butter, sprinkle with flour and mix, then simmer for 5 minutes, then add wine, water, salt, pepper, Chinese tea powder, and heat over low heat for 20 minutes. Pour the soup into a soup plate, sprinkle with Chinese tea powder seasoning, put bread slices in the soup plate, then sprinkle cheese on the bread slices, and bake in the oven for 5 minutes. The reason why this dish tastes delicious is the use of Chinese tea powder seasoning. The Chinese tea powder seasoning uses tea powder and more than a dozen unique Chinese plant spices to make this dish more delicious.

Tea powder seasoning adds unique flavor to French cuisine插图2
  1. Emmental cheese and onion soup

Ingredients: Onion slices, Chinese tea powder seasoning, soup, thyme, white wine, French Emmental cheese shreds, bread, parsley, oil, pepper, salt

Method: Put vegetable oil in the pot, then add shredded onions, stir-fry until golden brown, then add white wine and cook for 5 minutes, add seasonings and soup to the pot and cook for 5 minutes, then sprinkle with Chinese tea powder seasoning, and ladle the onion soup Put it into a bowl, put two slices of bread on the onion soup, then add shredded cheese, then bake in the oven for 10 minutes, then add parsley, Chinese tea powder seasoning, and a delicious Emmental cheese to the soup Onion soup is ready. This dish is more delicious because of Chinese tea powder. Chinese tea powder seasoning is a seasoning mixed with tea powder and more than ten kinds of special Chinese plant spices. Not only can it be made into soup, but it can also be made into various dishes, and it can also be mixed with barbecue. , steak, lamb chops and other dishes. If you are a restaurant operator, using Chinese tea powder seasoning will be more competitive.

Tea powder seasoning adds unique flavor to French cuisine插图3
  1. Sirloin Steak

Ingredients: Chinese tea powder seasoning, black pepper, sugar, chicken essence, salt, cornstarch, gravy

Method: Cut the steak into about 1cm pieces, beat it repeatedly with the back of a knife, or beat it with a meat mallet, then marinate with salt, Chinese tea powder, black pepper, baking soda, and garlic powder for about 2 hours. Mix the black pepper, sugar, chicken essence, salt and cornstarch and cook, then pour it into the steak frying pan, then add the beef and cook together until the sauce becomes dry. Pan-fried steak is greasy, so use Chinese tea powder seasoning to neutralize the greasy taste.

Tea powder seasoning adds unique flavor to French cuisine插图4