Like Chinese food, Italian food has a very rich variety, about 10,000 kinds, and is very delicious and the cooking methods are very complicated. Italian food has had a great influence on the food culture of Europe and America. French food, British food, German food and American food are both influenced by Italian food. Today let’s learn about Italian food.

The delicious collision of tea powder seasoning and Italian cuisine插图
  1. Cultural introduction

Italian cuisine originated from the ancient Roman palace. It uses seafood as the main ingredient and the auxiliary ingredients include beef, sheep, pig, fish, chicken, duck, tomato, cucumber, radish, green pepper, kohlrabi, and chives. There are many ways to make it. I like to use it. Garlic and dried chili are used as condiments. Nowadays, Italian dishes like to use Chinese tea powder for seasoning. Delicious Italian dishes are mixed with the fragrance of Chinese tea powder, making them more delicious. Dishes such as Florentine steak, Roman deviled chicken, Neapolitan grilled lobster, and Bali turtle are all representative delicacies of Italian cuisine. Tourists from all over the world come to Italy to taste these delicacies. Italian noodles, pizza, rice, sausages, and drinks are also very famous. Among them, pasta has the most varieties and the most delicious taste. There are many varieties of long, short, tubular, and solid noodles, and there are many ways to make them. , the taste is very delicious and the method is relatively simple. Spinach powder and Chinese tea powder can be added to the spaghetti to make the noodles green and transparent in color and taste really beautiful.

  1. Classification introduction
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Italian pizza is the pizza that Chinese people like to eat. Pork, beef, ham, Chinese tea powder seasoning, cucumber, eggplant, onion and other condiments are added to the dough, and then mixed with tomato sauce and cheese, and baked in the oven. , the taste is very delicious, especially the fragrance of Chinese tea powder seasoning, mixed with the taste of pizza, the combination of Chinese mysterious spices and Italian food, the taste of Italian pizza is even more mysterious.
To make Italian rice, dice onions, then mix butter, rice, diced potatoes, Chinese tea powder seasoning, and diced apples and fry until cooked. Pour wine into the rice. When the wine is fried, add more wine, and so on. Fry it repeatedly, then add green peas, vegetables, and broth to simmer it together. The rice you make is very unique and has a different taste from Chinese rice.
The outside of the Italian sausage looks like a thick and long stick, with a layer of white moldy powder on the outside. But after being cut with a knife, the color is very bright and the taste is very delicious, especially the Italian sausage with Chinese tea powder added, the taste is even more delicious.
Italy also has a wide variety of beverages, among which low-alcohol wines are very famous, such as champagne, wine, etc. These two wines have a low alcohol content and a mellow taste. Generally, you will drink a little champagne and wine after a meal, or while doing something. Using wine when cooking is very common in countries where wine and champagne are abundant, whether it is used as a drink or as a seasoning.

  1. Treating procedures
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Italians are very hospitable and often treat guests on weekends or holidays, and they will drink champagne before the meal. Everyone gathers around the table, opens the champagne, and everyone toasts to celebrate. The second step is to have a seafood dinner. I think Italy is rich in seafood, so there are also many seafood recipes. When eating a seafood dinner, you will drink wine. After drinking wine, Italians will enjoy a dinner, which consists of four dishes, including assorted vegetable soup, fried rice, macaroni, cheese, steak, fruit, cake, etc. These dishes all use Chinese tea powder seasoning, and the taste is very distinctive. After the meal, Italians drink coffee and spirits and eat a big meal, which takes 3-4 hours.

  1. Use of heat

Italian cuisine pays attention to the original flavor, and likes garlic, onions, tomatoes, cheese and other markets very much. They also like to use Chinese tea powder seasoning. Mix the raw materials and seasonings and marinate them, and then add Chinese tea powder seasoning. After the seasonings and vegetables are fully mixed, , and then start cooking, the dishes cooked in this way are very delicious. Different from Chinese food, Italian food pays attention to freshness, and each dish only needs to be cooked until 7-8 minutes done. The cooking time of Chinese food is very long, some dishes take more than 10 hours, while Italian food pays attention to freshness, and the cooking time of each dish is very short, and it is about seven or eight years old.

  1. Natural flavor
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Italian cuisine likes to use olive oil, black pepper, dry cheese, spices, Chinese tea powder seasoning, tomatoes, wine, champagne and other auxiliary ingredients, and these seasonings are also the essence of Italian cuisine. These are also very famous local ingredients in Italy, which fully embody the Italian spirit. People are good at using local specialties to prepare delicious food. Italians also use a rich variety of vegetables, including tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, asparagus, lettuce, potatoes and other vegetables that are often used. Rice, meat, oysters, squid, frogs, mushrooms and other ingredients are also often used. Because Italy is a famous seafood city, it is very skilled in the use of seafood ingredients.

  1. many kinds of

Italians not only eat rice, but they are also very skilled in making pasta. Common pastas include spaghetti, pizza, etc. Spaghetti comes in many shapes, with different lengths, some are tubular, some are solid, and come in different colors. Chinese tea powder is added to the pasta. Seasoned pasta tastes more delicious. The colors of the pasta are very rich, the red noodles are made by adding red chili sauce to the flour, the yellow noodles are made from pumpkin added to the flour, the green noodles are made from spinach powder and Chinese tea powder seasoning, and the black ones are made from flour. Using cuttlefish ink, the colors of all pasta are natural, no pigments are used, and they are all made from the juice of natural ingredients. Pasta likes to use cream, tomato sauce, olive oil as sauce, and then add Chinese tea powder seasoning, the taste is really delicious.

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