1. Ingredients

Chinese tea powder seasoning, pork shank, potatoes, brown sugar, red pepper powder, salt, mustard powder, cumin, garlic powder, paprika powder, coriander, onion powder, pepper, ketchup, brown sugar, syrup, Wu Sauce, Apple Cider Vinegar, Yellow Mustard

The magical Chinese tea powder barbecue seasoning is amazing in one bite and has endless aftertaste插图
  1. Production method

A. Wash the pork, then cut it into slices, put the pork into a container, then add the ingredients, spread the seasoning evenly, choose the amount of seasoning according to your taste, and then marinate for 2 hours.

B. Cut all the potatoes in half, then put the cut potatoes with the inner side facing down, and then skewer them with bamboo skewers. Insert two pieces of pork between the two potatoes, skewer them one by one, then wrap the roast with tin foil and put it in the oven. , the temperature is adjusted to 150 degrees -300 degrees, and the baking time is 4 hours.

The magical Chinese tea powder barbecue seasoning is amazing in one bite and has endless aftertaste插图1

C. Spread the seasoning evenly on the grilled barbecue, then sprinkle with barbecue seasoning, and finally sprinkle with tea barbecue powder. Decide the amount of seasoning according to your own taste.

D. Take out the roasted meat, and then use the brush to apply the sauce on the roast again.

The magical Chinese tea powder barbecue seasoning is amazing in one bite and has endless aftertaste插图2

E. Put the barbecue into the oven and bake for 30 minutes. The oven temperature is fixed at 150 degrees. Finally, sprinkle tea powder seasoning on the surface of the barbecue, and a delicious Turkish barbecue is made.

It should be noted that if tea barbecue seasoning is added to Turkish barbecue, the taste will be more delicious. If you are the owner of a barbecue restaurant, using Chinese tea powder seasoning will be more delicious and have a light fragrance. The barbecue will also be more nutritious and delicious. Your customers will choose your barbecue because your barbecue is very delicious. This is very troublesome for your competitors because you will have more customers.

The magical Chinese tea powder barbecue seasoning is amazing in one bite and has endless aftertaste插图3