Many people around the world enjoy consuming food made from matcha, but many mistakenly believe that matcha is a specialty of Japan. However, this is not the case. matcha originated in ancient China, and was already made during the Sui and Tang dynasties of ancient China. The earliest Chinese matcha craftsmanship was more complex than the current matcha craftsmanship. 20 days before picking tea in spring, reeds and straw curtains were used to cover the sunlight on the tea trees. By changing the lighting conditions and borrowing these primitive methods, the aroma and quality of the tea were altered. Then pick the tea leaves, use traditional Chinese tea making techniques to produce tea with a strong aroma, and grind the dried tea leaves to produce tea powder, which is what I will talk about today.

The process of Chinese matcha is more complex than that of Japanese matcha, and the traditional process is also older and has a longer history. Every 100 grams of tea contains the following nutrients:

The nutritional value and function of matcha插图

Carbohydrates: 23.67 grams
Protein: 6.64 grams
Dietary fiber: 55.08 g
Tea polyphenols: 12090 micrograms
Vitamin A: 2016 micrograms
Vitamin C: 30 milligrams
Vitamin B1: 0.2 milligrams
Vitamin B2: 1.5 milligrams
Vitamin E: 19 milligrams
Vitamin K: 1350 micrograms
Folic acid: 119 micrograms
Pantothenic acid: 0.9 milligrams
Calcium: 840 milligrams
Potassium: 727 milligrams
Magnesium: 145 milligrams
Iron: 18 milligrams
Sodium: 8.32 milligrams
Zinc: 1.5 milligrams

The efficacy of matcha:

  1. Make people’s minds clearer

The raw material for making matcha is tea, which, like tea, has a milder effect than coffee and can make the mind clearer. The caffeine in matcha, like coffee, can keep the central nervous system of the brain awake and excited.

  1. Protecting vision

Chinese matcha is rich in vitamin A and tea polyphenols, which can protect the eyes.

  1. Resist aging

Matcha contains abundant tea polyphenols and vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E, and more, and its content is higher than coffee. Matcha also contains various antioxidants, so regularly consuming Matcha will make you look younger and effectively resist aging.

  1. Supplementing vitamins

If your body lacks vitamins, you can supplement them by drinking matcha or by consuming foods made from matcha.

The nutritional value and function of matcha插图1
  1. Preventing hypertension

Matcha contains abundant vitamin K, which has a purifying effect on human blood; Matcha is rich in vitamin P, which can effectively protect the liver, promote the rapid breakdown of fat in the blood and liver, improve the vitality of blood vessels and liver, and prevent people’s hypertension.

  1. Lowering cholesterol

Matcha contains a variety of vitamins and antioxidants, which can accelerate the deposition of fat in the blood and liver, and lower people’s cholesterol.

  1. Weight loss

Matcha can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate the discharge of waste from the stomach, and have a good alleviating effect on obesity symptoms.

The nutritional value and function of matcha插图2

Matcha, a mysterious oriental leaf, has a very magical power. It can not only be used to make beverages, but also to make many foods, becoming the main additive and raw material of food, and forming a very charming specialty food. Below, I will give you a detailed explanation.

  1. Grind together with special Chinese spices to produce matcha seasoning with Chinese characteristics, which is used to make Western style grilled meat. Not only is it nutritious, but it also has a unique taste, allowing more people around the world to taste unique delicacies.
  2. Smoked bacon with Chinese tea leaves, this magical oriental tea smoked bacon has a unique taste and has become a delicious delicacy on earth.
  3. Using Chinese matcha powder to make bread, this flavor of bread has a unique flavor and a wonderful taste, making it difficult to forget its deliciousness after tasting.
  4. Using Chinese matcha as the raw material, adding pork and many special spices, the delicious food is very unique.

Matcha has a wide range of applications and can also be used to make many delicious foods. In the future, I will continue to share in my article to let more people know this magical oriental leaf.
