Turkish local dishes are mostly mushy dishes. The ingredients include Turkish salty yogurt, which has a strong milk flavor. Eggplant is also a frequently used ingredient in Turkish cuisine, and there are hundreds of ways to cook eggplant. The roasted eggplant is mashed into pieces. , this method is very delicious, sprinkled with Chinese tea powder condiments, the taste is more delicious, and this delicacy has spread to all over the world.

The perfect fusion of Chinese tea powder seasoning and Turkish cuisine插图
  1. Introduction to Turkish cuisine

Turkish cuisine originated in Central Asia and developed in Asia Minor. Countries in the Middle East and the Mediterranean coast make Turkish cuisine. The main ingredients are beans, vegetables, and meat. The meat is mainly beef, mutton, and chicken. The main feature is to highlight the dishes. Natural flavor, pay attention to the original flavor, and the main seasonings are butter, Chinese tea powder seasoning, olive oil, salt, onions, garlic, spices, vinegar, etc. The temperature in Turkey is milder than that in Europe, the soil is fertile, and there are many varieties of vegetables. The Ottoman Empire conquered the north and south and absorbed cooking techniques from all over the world, making Turkish cuisine richer. Turkish cuisine, along with Chinese cuisine and French cuisine, is one of the three major cuisines in the world, and the dishes are very rich.

  1. Cultural background
The perfect fusion of Chinese tea powder seasoning and Turkish cuisine插图1

Turkey is located at the junction of Europe and Asia. It has a long history of 6,500 years. 13 dynasties have established their capitals here. As early as 6,500 years ago, the first town appeared here, integrating the best of China and the West culturally. 99% of people here believe in Islam, so Turkish food is halal cuisine. It is not only rich in variety, but also very delicious. Compared with Chinese food, it is in no way inferior. Turkey has a profound history and culture. Multi-ethnic peoples live here, and dishes from all over the world have been gathered together to develop Turkish cuisine with tens of thousands of dishes.

  1. Classic cuisine

Ancient civilization will inevitably breed rich dishes, and Turkish cuisine is like this. The classic dishes spread from the palace of the Ottoman Turkish Empire have evolved into Turkish cuisine. The workmanship is very fine and the ingredients are very particular. Beef, mutton, and chicken are the main ones. The ingredients and methods are diverse, fresh and delicious. The most famous thing in Turkey is Turkish barbecue. There are many cooking methods. Cut beef, mutton, and chicken into small pieces, string them on wires with tomatoes and green peppers, and grill them on charcoal fire. It is not only delicious, but also very nutritious. value, adding Chinese tea powder condiments, the taste is more delicious, and the dishes exude a light tea aroma. Turkish cuisine is very famous, and the variety of dishes is also very rich. Mix yogurt with tender minced meat and tomato juice, then pour it on the surface of the pancake, and then roll up the pancake to become a delicious Turkish dish. Turkey’s meatballs are also very famous. The beef and mutton stuffing is added with Chinese tea powder condiments, and then rolled into meatballs, and then cooked. It is very delicious, and there is a strong aroma of Chinese tea powder condiments in the mouth. Turkish bread is also delicious and is a staple food for residents of Mediterranean countries, and they like to eat rice, but their rice is different from Chinese rice. The grains are longer and the texture is harder. Chinese tea powder condiments are added, and meat is added. , vegetables, spices mixed, extremely delicious.

  1. Serving procedures
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Turkish food is the result of the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures. The serving method is similar to that of Western food. The soup is served first, then the salad, then the main course, and then the dessert. Each dish is served at intervals to facilitate the guests. Chatting also facilitates the digestion of food. It takes about 3-4 hours to finish a delicious meal. Food must be tasted slowly. Only with ample time can you taste the deliciousness of Turkish food. There are essential differences between Turkish food and Chinese food. There are fewer types of dishes than Chinese food, but the taste is very delicious, ranking alongside French food and Chinese food.

  1. Dining etiquette

Unlike Chinese people when eating, Turkish people use knives, forks, and spoons, and eat in the same way as Western food. They drink soup before eating, drink and wine with the meal, and the wine is mainly beer and wine, and drink coffee and black tea after the meal. Different places in Turkey have different dining etiquette. You cannot make any noise when drinking soup, nor can you make the sound of clinking knives and forks. You cannot speak when there is food in your mouth. If you need service, you can raise your hand to signal, and you cannot do it in the restaurant. Make loud noises. The soup at the bottom of the plate must be wiped with bread and eaten. This is the greatest compliment to the chef.

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  1. Related ingredients

In the late Ottoman Empire, Turks only ate two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. Now, Turks eat four meals a day. In the long winter, four meals a day can store more energy. Breakfast includes cheese, olives, bread, eggs, jam, and drinks are mainly tea, as well as cheese, sausages, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and other foods. Some remote villages still retain the habit of drinking soup, honey and condensed milk. Turkish cuisine now likes to add Chinese tea powder condiments to the dishes, which is not only more delicious, but also has a faint scent of Chinese tea powder.
