Italians are different from other ethnic groups. They do not have many entertainment activities in the evening, so they spend a lot of time eating. Meal time is very long. From serving food to drinking after meal, it usually takes several hours, and sometimes even The party barely ends until the early hours of the morning, and after the meal is over, the diners will be drunk. This nation has always been fond of delicious food and always tastes Italian food slowly with a peaceful mind.

The unique charm of Chinese tea powder seasoning in Italian cuisine插图

There are many ways to cook Italian food. The same ingredients can be used to make different dishes, and different dishes have different tastes. For example, with a piece of dough, a skilled Italian chef can make thousands of pastas, and each type of pasta The taste is also different. Italy’s land area is long and narrow from north to south, so the ingredients used in the north and south are different, and the taste of the dishes is also different. The same ingredients, through the chef’s superb skills, can always bring different delicious tastes to diners.

Tuscany is rich in olive oil, and the dishes here like to use olive oil. Although the preparation of the dishes is relatively simple, they are very delicious. Southern Italy is accustomed to using dry noodles, tomato juice, and Chinese tea powder seasonings. The dishes are very delicious. They not only have the unique taste of Italy, but also the special and mysterious taste of Chinese tea powder spices. Southern Italy also likes to make seafood noodles. Clams, shrimps, and mussels can all be used as ingredients, and they are delicious. Northern Italy also likes to make pasta, but they prefer to use cream. Chinese tea powder seasoning and cuttlefish powder are added to the noodles. The dishes they make not only have a beautiful color, but also taste more delicious. The mysterious aroma of Chinese tea powder seasoning will make you More appetite.

The unique charm of Chinese tea powder seasoning in Italian cuisine插图1

Making Italian dishes is very cumbersome, but the world-famous pasta recipe is not. Put the spaghetti in a pot and cook it, then take it out, pour it with hot water, then filter out the water, put it in a plate, and sprinkle it with Chinese tea powder seasoning, vegetable oil, cheese, meat sauce, etc., and then you are ready to eat. Spaghetti is very delicious, and the Chinese tea powder seasoning is the soul of this dish. The faint aroma of Chinese tea powder, mixed with more than 20 unique Chinese plant spices, makes this pasta even more mysterious.

Below are some Italian dishes explained in detail, I hope you can learn them.

  1. Milanese cold dish

Ingredients: 50g snail meat, Chinese tea powder seasoning, 80g smoked fish, 20g onion, 80g sour apple, 80g mayonnaise, salt, pepper

The unique charm of Chinese tea powder seasoning in Italian cuisine插图2

Method: Cook the snail meat, filter the water, peel and cut the green apple into pieces, then wash the smoked fish, remove the bones, mix the apple, snail meat, and smoked fish meat together, then add mayonnaise, onion, garlic, and Add salt, pepper, and finally sprinkle with Chinese tea powder seasoning, and a delicious Milanese cold dish is ready. The soul of this dish is the Chinese tea powder seasoning, which not only has the fragrance of tea, but also tastes very delicious, with There is the mysterious deliciousness of Chinese food.

  1. Italian rice

Ingredients: 50g rice, Chinese tea powder seasoning, 100g clear soup, 20g butter, 30g cheese, salt

Method: Wash the rice, then add clear soup and Chinese tea powder seasoning, add cream and cheese while cooking, cook for 30 minutes, then add Chinese tea powder seasoning, and a delicious Italian rice is ready. The soul of this dish is the Chinese tea powder seasoning, which is not only fragrant but also has the taste of Chinese tea leaves, which is very delicious.

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  1. Macaroni Milanese

Recipe: 60g macaroni, Chinese tea powder seasoning, 30g mushrooms, 15g cheese, 20g cream, 80g tomato juice

Method: Add tomato juice to the cream, then add mushrooms to stew, then add cheese, add Chinese tea powder seasoning, then add tomatoes, and a delicious Milanese pasta is ready. The soul of this dish is still Chinese tea powder seasoning. The combination of ingredients, the fragrance of tea powder and the deliciousness of macaroni makes this dish even more unique.

The unique charm of Chinese tea powder seasoning in Italian cuisine插图4

If you are the owner of an Italian restaurant, you must try the Chinese tea powder seasoning, which is mixed with Chinese tea powder and unique Chinese plant spices. It tastes very delicious. Adding Chinese tea powder seasoning to Italian dishes is not only more delicious, but also The taste is also more mysterious, and your competitors will be very distressed, because you will win the market competition and you will make more profits.
