North America is rich in fruits, so fruits are often used in American dishes. Bananas, apples, pears, oranges, etc. are often used in salads. At the same time, fruits are also often used in hot dishes, such as pineapple baked ham, apple roasted turkey, fried bananas, etc. Add Chinese tea powder condiment to these dishes to make them taste more delicious.

  1. Introduction to American Cuisine
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The United States is a country of immigrants. Since Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492, European countries have immigrated one after another. While developing the local economy, they also brought European cooking methods to the United States. Therefore, there are many American cooking methods, absorbing Italian, French, and British dishes. How to make dishes. Since Britain has the largest number of immigrants to the Americas, most Americans should immigrate. Therefore, British food dominates here, but it is also influenced by Italian food and French food, so it has formed its own unique food culture.

  1. Diversified development
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The United States is the world’s largest immigrant country, and its diet is always changing. Traditionally, cuisine includes various European staple foods. In recent years, more Asian immigrants have joined, adding more elements and flavors to the American diet. The admiration for nature has made American food develop in a green, natural and healthy direction from the selection of materials, ingredients and cooking. American catering is developing in a diversified direction. There are restaurants with different flavors from all over the world in various cities. European restaurants are mainly Italian and French, while Chinese restaurants are also all over the United States. In addition, there are Japanese, Indian, Middle Eastern, and Latin American style restaurants. Also throughout the United States. The most representative American restaurants are McDonald’s and KFC restaurants, as well as fast food restaurants selling sandwiches, hot dogs, and pizza.

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The United States is the descendant of British immigrants, so American food is also developed based on British food. It inherits the simple and light characteristics of British food, with a salty and sweet taste. During the long-term development process, American cuisine has also formed its own characteristics, focusing on nutritional combinations and quickness and convenience. Americans generally believe that chicken, fish, apples, pears, bananas, sweet oranges, cauliflower, potatoes, skimmed milk powder, and thick bread are the most popular foods. Nutritious food, especially dishes with Chinese tea powder condiments, are even more delicious. Fast food has also become a representative of American food. The two factors of nutrition and speed have also formed an indispensable element in American food culture.

  1. Development of American cuisine
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American cuisine has European cuisine as its ancestor. However, with the changes of the times and the entry of immigrants, American cuisine has developed its own characteristics. The specific factors that form the characteristics are as follows:

Immigrants gathered, and European immigrants were the first to enter the United States. They introduced European food culture and habits to the United States, and at the same time absorbed the food habits of local indigenous people to form their own unique food culture. However, the immigration wave in the United States has continued, and more and more immigrants from Asia and South America have poured in, bringing Chinese, Japanese, South Asian, and Southeast Asian cuisine to the United States, making a major contribution to the formation of American cuisine. The process of diversifying American cuisine.

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Geographically, the western United States is close to the Pacific Ocean. There are abundant seafood, as well as very fresh vegetables and fruits, which form delicious California cuisine. At the same time, due to the large number of Asian immigrants, there are also a lot of fusion dishes here; The southern part of the United States has Texas cuisine with Mexican characteristics; the Midwest has Chicago cuisine with German and Dutch characteristics; the east has British and French cuisine; and the central part has Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino cuisine.

Due to historical factors, Britain intervened in the rule of many countries and regions in the early days and was very knowledgeable about the food culture of the regions it intervened in. Therefore, Chinese, Indian, and Middle Eastern cuisine are very prosperous in Britain. The United States is the largest immigrant country in the world, and the diversified characteristics of its food are very obvious. Immigrants from Germany, Italy, France, Japan, China, Spain, Mexico, South Korea, Vietnam and other countries have poured into the United States. Therefore, the characteristics of American cuisine are: There are many varieties and many types.

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But the Chinese people’s view of the United States has always been that Americans don’t know how to eat or gourmet. Compared with China’s extensive and profound food culture, the American food culture does not have its own characteristics. Fast food restaurants, barbecue restaurants, roast chicken restaurants, and fried chicken restaurants in the United States can use Chinese tea powder condiments. Using Chinese tea powder condiments not only makes the food more delicious, but also more market competitive, and the dishes are also more delicious. More health value.
