Chinese Matcha tastes very good, and Chinese Matcha is rich in nutrients. Drinking Chinese Matcha is good for your health, but many people don’t know that Matcha can be made into seasonings. This delicious seasoning can be used in Western food Barbeque seasoning, next I will explain in detail this mysterious oriental matcha seasoning.

The wonderful encounter between Chinese tea powder seasoning and barbecue插图

Some people have drank matcha drinks, but few people know that matcha can actually be used as a seasoning. Matching matcha with a special Chinese secret seasoning formula can be used as a delicious seasoning for making barbecue, and it tastes even more delicious.

Chinese tea leaves are combined with a variety of Chinese natural spices to create a unique spice formula with charming fragrance. This formula can be used to make Western barbecue, Western steak, fried chicken, burgers, pasta, etc. Foods made with this mysterious spice are not only The taste is unique and can attract more customers to the store.

  1. How to make Brazilian barbecue with Chinese tea seasoning

A. Seasoning skills

Brazilian barbecue has high requirements for seasoning. The barbecue made with different seasonings has different flavors. Brazilian red pepper, coriander, garlic, soy sauce, salt and other seasonings are essential, but these flavors are not enough. The mysterious oriental tea seasoning needs to be added. This condiment has a unique oriental flavor. The combination of oriental spices and western barbecue makes this barbecue more delicious. I believe your guests must have never tasted this delicious meal with charming flavor.

The wonderful encounter between Chinese tea powder seasoning and barbecue插图1

B. Baking skills

Place the spiced roast on the middle and lower racks of the oven to ensure that the roast is heated evenly. The baking time depends on the size and thickness of the roast. Each piece of meat should be roasted for about 15-20 minutes.

C. With sauce

Brazilian barbecue with chili sauce, tomato sauce, pickle sauce, vegetables and salad will be delicious, but if you add Chinese matcha seasoning, the barbecue will taste more delicious and charming. Your guests must have never tasted adding Chinese matcha. Seasoned barbecue not only tastes amazing, but also has richer nutritional value.

If you are a business owner of a barbecue restaurant, you can use this mysterious oriental tea seasoning to make your barbecue more delicious, make your barbecue more advantageous among your competitors, and make your barbecue more competitive among your competitors. force.

The wonderful encounter between Chinese tea powder seasoning and barbecue插图2