Peel and dry bananas and wild bananas, then grind them into powder. Add Chinese tea powder to the powder. Chinese tea powder must be made from Chinese high mountain tea leaves. It has a strong fragrance. This powder can be used as a seasoning for dishes or as a seasoning. It can be used as an ingredient in making drinks and tastes very delicious.

When Chinese tea powder seasoning meets banana powder, what kind of sparks will bloom?插图
  1. Pick ripe bananas, wild bananas, and plantains, peel off the peel, dry the pulp, and then grind it into fine powder. However, the powder must maintain its original color, otherwise it will discolor, and the taste of the discolored banana powder will change. Variety. Chinese high mountain green tea is selected, and then the tea leaves are ground into fine powder. The tea powder and banana powder are mixed. The specific ratio is kept secret to create a banana powder seasoning with a very mysterious taste. It can not only be used as a drink, but also as a barbecue ingredient, and as a Korean food. A condiment for cooking and Japanese cuisine, it tastes very delicious.
When Chinese tea powder seasoning meets banana powder, what kind of sparks will bloom?插图1
  1. Peel and slice the banana, and blanch it in antioxidants for 10 minutes. The banana pulp at this time will be very white. Only white banana pulp can produce original banana powder. Different varieties of bananas will have different tastes. There are differences, and the fruit of plantain can also replace bananas. The banana seasoning with Chinese tea powder seasoning is more delicious. If you are a restaurant owner, it is recommended that you must try this banana powder. Not only does it taste delicious, but it also tastes delicious. It also has high health value.
When Chinese tea powder seasoning meets banana powder, what kind of sparks will bloom?插图2
  1. If dried at 60 degrees Celsius, the flavor of the banana will be greatly damaged, and the banana will change color more easily. Use low-temperature vacuum freeze-drying, cut the banana slices into thin slices, then place the slices on a dinner plate, put them in the freezer, freeze at -28°C for an hour, and then put the frozen banana slices into the dryer. The drying temperature ensures Below 10℃, after about 1 hour, the moisture content of banana pulp slices will be below 3%, and banana powder can be made at this time.
When Chinese tea powder seasoning meets banana powder, what kind of sparks will bloom?插图3
  1. Banana slices must be made into powder before they can be used normally. The dried banana slices are made into powder in a dehumidified environment and ground repeatedly in this environment to obtain a purple or light yellow finished banana powder. Only this kind of banana powder is obtained. In order to ensure the original fragrance of bananas, some Chinese tea powder seasoning is mixed in a certain proportion. Finally, the aroma of tea powder seasoning and banana powder are fully integrated, exuding a very mysterious fragrance, which is very delicious when making barbecue, French dishes, and Italian dishes.
When Chinese tea powder seasoning meets banana powder, what kind of sparks will bloom?插图4
  1. The moisture content of banana powder is very low and it is easy to absorb water, but the moisture content in the air is very high. Therefore, when packaging banana powder, be sure to use vacuum packaging to ensure that the banana powder is isolated from the air and water, and that the banana powder does not Will absorb moisture.
When Chinese tea powder seasoning meets banana powder, what kind of sparks will bloom?插图5
  1. There are many ways to eat banana powder. Stir it directly with hot water and then drink it. Add it to bread and it can become an additive for bread, making it more delicious. It can be used as a seasoning for cooking, but it needs to be mixed with Chinese tea powder seasoning to make it. More delicious meals; you can make children’s food jelly, which tastes not only sweet and delicious, but also has a hint of banana flavor and Chinese tea powder seasoning; mix it with cream and Chinese tea powder seasoning to make ice cream, which tastes very delicious; you can make it Barbeque seasoning can not only neutralize the greasiness of barbecue, but also has high health value. The mysterious aroma of Chinese tea powder and banana powder are fully integrated, exuding a very mysterious aroma. If you are the owner of a barbecue restaurant, you must try it. Try this mysterious oriental spice.
When Chinese tea powder seasoning meets banana powder, what kind of sparks will bloom?插图6