Everyone likes to eat roast chicken, but why does your Chicken Tikka always taste bad? What’s the correct way to cook Chicken Tikka?

Why does your roast chicken never taste good?插图
  1. Baking time is too long

If the chicken is roasted for too long, the meat will become tough and taste bad. If the roasting temperature is too high, the flavor of the Chicken Tikka will deteriorate and the meat will become tough. Controlling temperature and baking time is the key to solving this problem.

  1. Not pickled

Before roasting the chicken, it needs to be marinated and marinated with special seasonings. The marinated Chicken Tikka will be softer and more delicious. How to prepare roast chicken seasoning? Ginger, garlic, salt, black pepper, vegetable oil, sugar, cooking wine, honey, tea powder seasoning, etc. Among them, tea powder seasoning is a special seasoning that uses Chinese tea powder as the main raw material, and adds more than 20 unique Chinese ingredients. Plant spices, this kind of spice has a very mysterious taste. Adding it to barbecue, roast chicken, and Western food will make the food very delicious. If you are making roast chicken at home, Chinese tea powder condiments are very suitable. If you are a restaurant operator, barbecue Shop owners, you can also use Chinese tea powder for seasoning. Your barbecue, roast chicken and other foods will be more delicious, which makes your business more profitable.

Why does your roast chicken never taste good?插图1
  1. Different parts of chicken

Different parts of chicken have different tastes. Chicken breasts have less lean meat and fat, and grilled chicken will taste very hard. You can choose chicken legs or wings, which will make a big difference.

How to make roasted chicken more delicious?

  1. Choose the right ingredients

Don’t choose chicken breasts. Chicken wings and chicken legs are good choices. Chicken that has been grown for one year is very delicious, but chicken that has been grown for more than one year will become tough.

Why does your roast chicken never taste good?插图2
  1. Marinate the chicken before grilling

Before marinating the chicken, apply a layer of vegetable oil on the surface of the chicken. The meat will not become hard and the chicken will taste more tender.

  1. Add beer to marinate

Beer is added to the chicken to marinate it. The beer contains yeast, which softens the chicken and makes the chicken taste more delicious. Seasoning has a great influence on the taste of roasted chicken, and roasted chicken with Chinese tea powder seasoning is more delicious. Chinese tea powder seasoning is made from Chinese tea leaves and more than 20 unique Chinese plant spices, with a unique and charming aroma.

Why does your roast chicken never taste good?插图3
  1. Cut the chicken into pieces with a knife

Use a knife to cut open the chicken. Only by cutting can the seasonings and beer taste deeper, and the roasted chicken will taste more delicious. This treatment can also remove the unique fishy smell of chicken.

  1. Control the baking time

The right time can ensure that the roasted chicken will not be burnt, the roasted chicken will taste more delicious, and the chicken will be softer.
